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President’s Corner – November/December 2024
Hello to everyone. As I write my last article as Club President, we find ourselves ready to elect a new President and Board for 2025 and replace selected club staff members. Over the years, Officers serving the Nashville Corvette Club come and go and generally have served in their roles for 2-3 years. Many have served the Club in multiple roles and we thank them for that. This length of tenure in a specific role is about right. New members volunteering or being elected and rotating in and out bring new ideas and growth to our Club. Hopefully, these rotations will continue to occur, and our newer members will consider serving in some capacity as either a Club Officer or in some other Staff position. I want to thank those Club Members who have served the Club in various ways over the years, especially those who served the Club with me over the past three years. The Nashville Corvette Club cannot continue to operate without volunteers giving a little of their personal time and work-life experience back benefitting membership and the Club. I intend to continue to serve the Club in other capacities, starting with executing a transition plan to help the new Club President become familiar with the business operations of the Nashville Corvette Club, assisting the Club Staff and Board in any way, and providing my insight to unfinished business and ideas for smoother Club operations and growth. It has been my pleasure to serve as Club President these past few years and I hope the changes made to the Club Operations, Board structure, and the Club meeting presentations and agendas met your expectations and approval. Finally, I wish the best to the new Club President and their Staff. Thank you for your support. Bob
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